Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Design

Woo Hoo!! My blog has a new design thanks to I LOVE IT!!!

What do you think?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Wow... it's August already (well, in a couple of days). Where have the last 7 months gone?
At the beginning of the year I was ready to grab 2010 by the balls and make it a great year! A year for new beginnings and to find my way back to my old self.

Well, I can tell you that I did accomplish great things in the first 7 months... but, I am not getting anywhere on my 'eat healthier and work out more' plan. I did, however land my career job and it's FANTASTIC. The pay is good (for a junior designer), I have my own office, it's close to home, the people are awesome... and most of all, I LOVE MY JOB!!! I've worked so hard to be in this field and it's great to finally be here. Where do I go next? This fall I plan to study for the Ontario Building Code exams and hopefully I will have my BCIN by 2011. After that I will be focusing on preparing myself to write the NCIDQ exams so I can officially call myself a 'Registered Interior Designer'. For now, I am just an Intern.

Landing my career job was only half of my new years resolution. I wanted to give myself a year to work out, eat healthy and enjoy a better lifestyle (while losing weight along the way). I was really hoping that by my 27th birthday (yikes! am i really that old?) I would be at my goal. Well, July was the half way mark and I think I had lost a whooping total of 1 lb.

I'm starting to be inspired to work out again, although I'm finding it hard to make time to work out. When I come home from work I'm tired, I make dinner, clean up then all I want to do is relax. I try to wake up at 6am, my alarm goes off and I tell myself that I am too exhausted and wont be able to function at work unless I get at least another hour of sleep. So now, I'm debating joining a gym. I know, I know most people who join gyms just pay their monthly dues and never go. I was once one of these people however, there are three gyms in the vicinity of my work and I'm thinking my lunch break would be the perfect time to go work out. I can eat my lunch at my desk when I get back.

I'm also really intriged by all of the 'runners' in my life. My new boss has a running group and runs every Thursday (usually more), and a couple of my friends are running for the underwear affair and are training for that. Unfortuneately, I am not a runner. I hate it. My boobs flop around, and Sam says I look like a duck when I run. I think for now, I will stick to walking my dog.... hopefully I can bump up the walks to everyday. I have also started back with working out, I'm working myself up to doing Tae Bo again... Billy Blanks is a tank!

Stay tuned for some recipes that I have been holding out on!